Yoga & Movement Essentials
Laurie BB

Let's Bend Our Own Aging Curves Together!

Welcome to MEwithLaurieBB
Yoga and Movement Essentials with 

Laurie Broderick-Burr

 I'm Laurie Broderick-Burr and I'm so pleased that you're here.

Whether you're a first time visitor or someone familiar with what I offer, I look forward to moving with you and bending our own aging curves together!  

I'm a movement specialist with a BA in dance and an MS in Kinesiology with special focus in geriatric exercise science and orthopedic rehabilitation. I've been teaching yoga, dance, and fitness for over 35 years in the private sector and at the college level.  

My passion in life is to move in a way that supports bending my own aging curve so that I can live my life as fully as possible for as long as possible.

 I'm here to inspire your movement journey toward the same outcome!  

Join me for regular weekly zoom classes, in person offerings, and a variety of online courses leading us towards a stronger mind and body, increased mobility, improved balance, self agency, increased function for daily activities, and the ability to move more joyfully with appreciation of our own unique bodies and capabilities.  

What is the "ME" in "mewithlauriebb"? 

"ME" stands for Movement Essentials.  Movement is essential to overall well being. 

How we move, how we think about ourselves moving, what we love to do as movement, where our fears or concerns about movement arise is all part of what I use to quantify "movement essentials" and to coach the exploration of movement for my students and clients.

 It's not necessarily about moving "right", but about the ongoing inquiry with our relationship to movement.  Movement and trusting in our ability to move is really where it's at, especially as we age.

I approach working with students and clients from a "whole person" (body, mind, and spirit) strategy, necessitating an understanding founded both in evidence-based science and experience, sprinkled with humor and understanding.  

This biopsychosocial approach requires a scientific understanding of the various body regions and systems coupled with supporting an individual's thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors to ignite change and well being.  

Ultimately, it's about helping a student or client trust in their own capacity to make choices that work for them in this exact moment and understanding that we are constantly changing and being challenged by new movement situations.


I'm hoping I've convinced you that I'm qualified - strong post grad education, a lifelong learner, experienced teacher, joyful mover, skilled communicator, and mostly someone who is passionate about sharing my belief that movement is key to unlocking our overall well being and function as we age.

I will expertly guide you in exploring your own movement journey through my weekly online zoom Yoga and Movement Essentials classes, the Online Monthly Subscription Class Library, a variety or free and paid self paced courses, and the Longevity Strength Membership.

If you're ready to explore bending your own aging curve check out my offerings below.

AND/OR subscribe to my Muse and News Letter to hear about my offerings and my thoughts on life and movement

Online zoom Classes

Using the zoom links provided, join me for my weekly drop in Yoga and Movement Essentials classes.

Online Library Subscription

A monthly subscription offering you a variety of classes focused on moving to bend your own aging curve.

Self Paced Courses

Individual classes and bundles allowing you to practice moving your body when the time is right for you.

Longevity Strength

A program designed to introduce & support resistance training for an aging population.