Mid Week Movement Snack

Short Practices to Get You Moving

Join Me For Mid Week Movement Snack

Once a week Laurie publishes a short movement video tutorial in this FREE course.  Join us as we take a few minutes each week to explore new movements, actions, and areas of our body.  Check out the "curriculum" below to see what's already available for you!

Sign up for Laurie's newsletter to receive a reminder on what skill/movement we're practicing this week, the "why" behind that skill, with some anatomy and explanation. 

Course Curriculum

Sign Up For MWMS Now



  • Short movement video practices uploaded weekly to get you moving, moving well, and bending your own aging curve.

    • Weekly Video Practices for Free
    • Videos on Mobility, Balance, Strength, Working with Symptoms, Yoga asana
    • Expert guidance and cuing from Laurie BB
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